Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 10

Job 3 shows us a in my opinion a picture of a very sad Job.  He has yet to curse God for the test that were put before him from Satan but he is cursing the day he was born.  I read this chapter as kind of a prayer to God asking why this is happening to him but not once do I see Job curse God.

Job 4 is a response to Job from Eliphaz.  Eliphaz begins telling Job how his life has been good and how many people he has helped.  If he had not been born it would have been a waste.  Eliphaz then begins to tell Job of a dream that he had.  Unfortunately in continues into chapter 5 so we will have to wait to finish reading about the dream.

In Matthew 8:1 - 17 we begin reading about some of the miracles Jesus performs.  To start right off after teaching to his disciples on the mountainside a man with leprosy comes to him and asked to be clean.  Jesus reaches out and cleans the man and tells him to go, show the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them. (Matt. 8:4)  The next little section tells of a servant of a centurion that was healed.  This time we see Jesus being able to heal by not only touch but just by speaking it.  This little section just shows how amazing our God really is.  It reminds of Genesis when God spoke and it was we see Jesus doing the same thing here.  The last little bit of reading continues with Jesus healing the sick but adds in the casting out of demons.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Job 5, 6, 7 and Matthew 8:18 - 34

1 comment:

  1. 3. I think Job curses himself, but never God.
    4. It's like the "It's a Wonderful Life " Chapter of the Bible.
    8. How amazing would it have been to have seen these things first hand. No wonder the faith of His followers is so strong.
