Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 19

Job 28 has Job telling us about wisdom.  He goes into great detail on describing wisdom.  He tells us that there is no way that we could understand all wisdom.  Wisdom is unmeasurable and can not be purchased with any amount of currency.  He tells us that only God can fathom all of wisdom.

Job 29 continues with Job telling of the way that his life used to be.  He talks of this and how he longs for that life again but does not seem overly proud of it.  He is proud in a sense of all the works he has done but is not proud in a sinful way.  I wish I could say my life so far has been as fulfilling as Jobs was.

What can I say about the first 23 verses of Matthew 13 but wow.  To me this is a truly amazing parable.  Not only does He tell the people that had gather this parable, He explains it to his disciples so that they may better understand it.  The way he tells his disciples about each little section in the parable in my mind just opens up so much in my thoughts that I truly understand it.  I wish every parable did this.  I do not think I would be as confused as I am sometimes.  The next parable that we read about does make sense to me.  He tells us that we should be careful with what we sow and how we harvest it.  If evil is sowed with our good we can not just go out and rip the evil out as we can damage the good in the process.  We are to let the good grow and when it is time the evil will be pulled from it with no damage done to the good.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Job 30, 31 and Matthew 13:31 - 58

1 comment:

  1. 28. I liked the part about how valuable wisdom is but didn't care for the rest of the chapter. It seemed long winded.
    29. One of the first things he says is "When God watched over me" Meaning he thinks God has abandoned him now?
    13. I loved the first parable too. Very clear and powerful.
