Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 20

Job is still speaking in chapter 30.  He continues on with how bad his life has come and how God has turned from him.  He is telling how he was a good man at one time and now he is nothing in others eyes.  If he only knew what was going on but I am glad he does not know.  Through out all of these chapters Job has shown some amazing strength in God.  He never once denounces God, though he does question Him.  Satan truly has no hold on him at all.

Job 31 to me sounds like a man that is giving up.  He knows he has no where else to go but to God and questions for God.  He questions every bit of his life and sees nothing but good and wonders why God would be punishing him.  He shows though that if any sin is found that he is ready and willing to accept God's judgment as it would be what he deserves.  My Bible says "The words of Job are ended." (Job 31:40)  I am not going to look ahead but I can only imagine what is going to happen from here on out in Job.

Our readings for the day in Matthew 13 continues with Jesus telling more parables.  The first one we read about is the parables of the mustard seed and the yeast.  Both of these parables have the same meaning.  What I see from this parable is that the kingdom of heaven will start out small but will grow immensely.  The next portion we read is Jesus explaining to the disciples the meaning of the parable of weeds.  After reading this that parable makes even more sense to me.  I feel that I understand it on a deeper level then what I had originally thought it to be.  We are told that it is a metaphor for the final time.  Jesus tells his disciples that the weeds or evil people will be weeded out of his kingdom and thrown into the lake of fire.  Then it will be safe to harvest those that do good in God's eyes.  The next parables talk once again about the kingdom of heaven.  I am not sure I completely understand these two parables.  I guess I do not understand why the objects where hidden because I thought we were suppose to go out into the world and share the message not hide it.  I do see part of the point though in the fact that all we have belongs to the kingdom of heaven.  The last parable we read is yet another one on the kingdom of heaven and the final day.  Jesus tells his disciples once again that angels will separate the good from the bad.  Once again He mentions that the bad will be cast down into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matt. 13:50)  I found the end of chapter 13 to be kind of depressing.  How sad would it be to be in your hometown and not have the people of it believe in you.  To hear of all the wonderful things He had done in other towns and then not to have enough faith in Him so that He performs those same miracles in front of them.  To be one of those faithful few must have been hard.  I can see them being pushed away for not following what the crowd was doing.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Job 32, 33 and Matthew 14:1 - 21

1 comment:

  1. 30. I was slightly confused in this chapter. He says he called to God and God did not answer, I don't remember that.
    31. Mine says the same. Gives you sort of a dun,dun,dun....feeling doesn't it.
    13. I particularly like the parables about the kingdom of heaven being so valuable that a man would see all he owns to buy it. I thought this was a powerful message about where our priorities should be.
