Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 9

Job 1 introduces us to Job, who was a holy man.  Job had seven sons and three daughters and a very large herd of animals.  We are then confronted with Job's first test.  Satan confronts the Lord and tells Him that if it were to be taken away that Job would curse the Lord.  The Lord gives permission to Satan to test Job.  Satan wipes out all of Job's herds and his offspring.  As soon as Job hears of what has happen he falls and worships God.  I can only hope that if I were faced with this situation I would be able to act as Job acted.

In Job 2 Satan once again confronts God and ask to test Job further.  God gives permission to harm Job but must spare his life.  Satan afflicted Job with painful sores and all Job could do was praise the Lord.  Even after his wife told him to curse God and be done with these sores Job would not.  He replied, "You are talking like a foolish woman.  Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" (Job 2:10)  I do not know of any better way to put his comment.  Good or bad everything is from God and we should worship Him.

Matthew 7 begins by telling us that we are not to judge others.  If we judge others we will be judged as well and to the same measure.  Next, we are told that if we ask it shall be given to us, if we seek we will find it, and if we knock the door shall be opened.  We are told that in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. (Matt 7:12)  Matthew 7:13-14 tells us that our journey leads to a narrow gate and only few will enter through it, but many will enter through the wide gate which leads to destruction.  We are then told to watch out for false prophets so that we do not get brought down and cast away from God.  The last portion of this chapter is where I got the title for this blog.  We are told to build on a strong foundation and not in the sand, so that what we build is not easily torn down.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Job 3, 4 and Matthew 8:1 - 17

1 comment:

  1. 1. I agree with you. It's amazing there wasn't a moments hesitation, no why me, his immediate reaction was to worship God.
    2. Such an important lesson. I don't know that I would doubt God in this situation, but I think I would be asking why. The patients to wait for the big picture without questioning is an attribute of Job's I admire.
    7. Yay for the golden rule. The last part made me think of The House on the Rock in Wisconsin. You look at it and think that it shouldn't be able to stand to support itself there, but through it's foundation it magically defies gravity.
