Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 23

Elihu continues speaking in Job 36 about how powerful God is.  Elihu continues to describe God in such a way that just amazes me.  He continues to tell Job that he is wrong in his thinking.  Job needs to go back to God and God will restore blessings to him.  I get the feeling that Elihu is telling Job all of this to show that he must have done something wrong in God's eye and that is why he is being punished.  If he would go to God and not try to confront him like he has things would be different.

Chapter 37 once again describes the amazing power that God has.  Elihu tells of some awesome powers that God has.  He uses an imagery of the clouds and lightning to show this to Job.  I can only hope that Job is starting to pay attention to the wisdom in this younger man and not dismissing him because of his age.

Matthew 15: 1 - 20 is yet again another parable.  This parable is told to a group of pharisees.  This group of pharisees ask how his disciples can eat while they are still unclean.  Jesus explains to them that they are not unclean, what makes a person unclean is what comes out of his mouth.  Jesus then has to explain this to his disciples.  I am not sure how they lost the translation of this parable.  To me it seems like it has been one of the most straight forward parables that we have read.  This parable says a lot about the way we should act and speak.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Job 38, 39, 40 and Matthew 15:21 - 39

1 comment:

  1. 36. I think it's funny that Elihu says he's speaking on God's behalf. As if God needs Elihu to speak up for him.
    37. I felt like he was trying to illustrate to Job how much less then God Job is.
    15. I really liked this parable. It's a lesson I feel like a lot of people could be reminded of. Serve God with your actions and not just with your words.
