Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 14

We have made it a full two weeks.  I hope everyone is getting into a good habit of reading.  I would like to apologize for the late night post last night and the rather short responses lately.  Job seems like it is the same thing over and over.  I am having a rough time trying to figure out what to say about some of the chapters as I feel that I have already said it a few times.  To those reading so far thank you and I hope you are learning as much as I am.  Just in case you would like to print off the reading schedule it is posted below.  Just click on the link.

Job 14 keeps on with the same thoughts in my opinion.  We still see Job displeased with his current state and talking of his demise.  It rather saddens me to continue to read how unhappy he is with his life.  It really makes me just want to reach right out and smack a little sense into him.  I mean if he would listen to his friends and go to God I think things would change and the devil would be overcome.

Job 15 is another response from Eliphaz.  Eliphaz continues to plead with Job about the words he is speaking.  There is a lot of talk of evil deeds and how God treats those who do evil things.  He continues to try and raise Job up in my mind by telling him these things and say that Job is not an evil person.

In Job 16 Job replies the way I have been feeling towards his friends.  Job continues to say that he has been pure in his prayers and lived a life free of violence.  It continues into chapter 17 which I have not read yet so hopefully tomorrow there will be more to say.

Matthew 10:1 - 20 we see Jesus giving instructions to his disciples.  Jesus tells his twelve disciples that it is time for them to go out among the towns of Israel and teach, heal, cleanse and drive out demons.  He continues to give them instructions on what they are to carry with them and where they are to stay.  Jesus tells them to bless those houses that open up to them but to cast off those that reject them as it will be hard for them on the day of judgment.  He tells them that they should be on guard as men will turn on them and hand them over to the authorities.  But, he tells them not to worry about what to say as the spirit will fill them with the words that need to be spoken.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Job 17, 18, 19 and Matthew 10:21 - 42

1 comment:

  1. 14. To me it seems like Job is coming up out of the depths of despair a little. I feel like the low point was a few chapters back.
    15. To be honest this chapter was difficult for me. It was long and repetitive and hard for me to focus on what it was saying.
    16. I giggled a little when Job says his friends are "miserable comforters". Pretty sure that's how I would feel too.
    10. How I long for Jesus to give me the words I need to say. I feel like I always say the wrong thing, it would be so powerful to have God guide your words.
