Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 4

Genesis 10 is a rather short chapter.  Once again another genealogy chapter.  This chapter shows us the genealogy of Noah's children.

Genesis 11 tells the story of the Tower of Babel.  The people of the time thought that they would make a name for themselves by building a tower to the heavens.  The Lord came down and decided that if they could speak one language and build this nothing would be impossible for them, so he confused their language and spread them throughout the earth.  Chapter 11 continues then with some more genealogy which takes us from Noah's son Shem to Abram.

Genesis 12 begins to tell the story of Abram.  Abram is given instructions by the Lord to leave and travel to a certain land.  Abram packs up his stuff and follows the Lord through a journey that takes him into Egypt where he tells Sarai to pretend to be his sister instead of his wife.  The Lord inflicts disease onto the Egyptian Pharaoh because of what Abram and Sarai have done.  The Pharaoh bids Abram off with all that he had acquired.

Matthew 4 begins after Jesus was baptized.  He we are shown him being led by the Spirit into the desert where he is confronted by the devil.  The devil comes to him and tempts him three times.  The first attempt  is with food because Jesus has been fasting for 40 days and 40 nights.  Temptation number two is one for protection.  The devil shows his knowledge of scripture by quoting it in Matthew 4:6.  Temptation number three the devil promises him the whole world if He would only bow down and worship him.  In each one of these temptations Jesus uses scripture to detour the devil.    After this Jesus heard of John being put in prison, so he leaves his family and begins preaching the word.  We then read the gathering of the first four disciples.  To end today's reading Jesus and his disciples are traveling throughout Galilee teaching and healing.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Genesis 13, 14, 15 and Matthew 5:1 - 26


  1. 10. Tell me you didn't giggle just a little at "Nimrod the mighty hunter"
    11. I'm a little confused about the tower of Babel, was it just the vanity of the people that angered God? I'd understand it if He didn't want the people thinking they were the equal of God, but the reason given is because of the other things they would be able to do?
    12. I think I would have been a little madder then Pharaoh seems to be. Perhaps Abram misjudged Pharaoh in the first place. I mean he even lets him keep all the things he has acquired in Egypt.
    4. "Fishers of Men" I just love that phrase.

  2. Corin, I will be honest and say I had never actually read the story of the tower of Babel before this. I also assumed from hearing sermons on it that it was a longer story. I really wish I had more info on it as well as to why God thought it was bad.
