Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 5

Genesis 13 continues telling us about Abram and Lot.  They travel through the land from Egypt to Negev to Bethel then to the place between Bethel and Ai where Abram had built an altar to the Lord.  It is here where Abram and Lot determine that to deal with conflicts between their herdsman that they should part ways.  Lot moved his wealth, herds, and servants to the plains of the Jordan and settled near the city of Sodom.  The Lord spoke to Abram telling him that all that he could see Abram and his offspring would receive.  Abram continued his journey through the land and settled near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron.

Genesis 14 tells the story of many kings battling.  A battle is waged and the areas of Sodom and Gomorrah are conquered and Lot and possessions were taken by the winning armies.  When Abram hears of this he gathers 318  trained men and went in pursuit of the armies.  He overtakes them and brings back Lot and all of his possessions.  Now the king of Sodom offers Abram a reward which Abram refuses.  Abram has made an oath with the Lord not to take anything from them.  I think that might have been a foresight into what is to come of Sodom and Gomorrah.

In Genesis 15 God's covenant with Abram is repeated to us once again but with greater detail.  We find out that Abram has yet to have any children and he brings this to the Lord.  Once again the Lord comes to Abram and tells him that his offspring will be to numerous to count and will gain the possession of land that he is in.  The Lord has him gather up an offering and puts Abram into a deep sleep were Abram is told what will happen to his people. 

Matthew 5:1 - 26 begins with the beatitudes.  I am not sure what to say about the beatitudes.  I guess the only thing I could say is that we should strive to live them.  After the beatitudes we are told that we need to follow the laws of the land.  Next, Jesus tells his disciples that we should not murder and anyone that does will be subject to judgment.  We are also told that we need to forgive our grievances before we make offerings to God.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Genesis 16, 17 and Matthew 5:27 - 48

1 comment:

  1. 13. I feel like I need a map to plot where everyone is in these stories. Doesn't help that I'm terrible with geography.
    14. I didn't understand about the first half of this chapter. Lots of kings very confusing.
    15. I wonder if Abram doubted what the Lord was telling him? After being childless for so long it would be hard to believe that you would have all these descendants, even for a faithful man.
    5. Such a comforting chapter. Although I'll admit I struggle forgiving grievances and not holding on to anger.
