Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 35

Genesis 43 tells a continuing story of the famine.  Once again Joseph is confronted by his brothers because they have ran out of food again.  This time his brothers bring Benjamin along with them much to their father's dislike.  They not only bring the silver they took the first time they double that amount to make sure that Joseph knows they are not trying to cheat him.  Once Joseph sees all of them he sends them to his house where a meal is to be prepared for them.  Joseph's brothers begin to get scared because they think Joseph is going to attack them.  When they find out that they are to eat with Joseph they begin to relax.

In Genesis 44 we have some tables being turned.  Joseph once again has the silver put back into their sacks but this time he adds a silver cup to Benjamin's sack.  He sends his servant after them to return what was taken from his master.  The brothers make an agreement that if anything is found they will be maid a servant.  When the cup is found in the youngest sack they all go back to Egypt to speak with Joseph.  They plead to allow one of them to stay in the place of Benjamin.  Joseph makes no such deal and says that they must leave their brother as his slave.

Genesis 45 has a complete turn around by Joseph.  Joseph can no longer control his emotions and tells his brothers who he is.  They do not believe him to begin with.  They finally believe him and begin to believe what he is saying.  He gives them instructions to return to their father and bring him and all that he has back to Egypt.  They return and tell their father all that they had learned.  Their father believes what he has been told when he sees all that Joseph had sent him.

The first portion of our Matthew 22 reading is giving us a glance into some of what is to come during the time of the resurrection.  The next section gives us the ultimate commandment.  We are to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your mine." (Matt. 22:37)    With the last portion of Matthew 22 we see Jesus answer some teachers once again.  Jesus gives them an answer from scripture once again.  After this they determine that Jesus is real and that He is a very wise man, they decide that they should not question him any further.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Genesis 46, 47, 48 and Matthew 23:1 - 22

1 comment:

  1. 43. I was really unsure of how Joseph was going to react. He's been such a good guy to this point, but things can change quickly. I was a little nervous about how this story was going to turn out.
    44. Again, I was riveted by this story. I was just sure Joseph was going to punish his brothers for the past.
    45. Yay, Joseph is still a good guy. I was so relieved when I got to this chapter.
    22. I really enjoyed that Jesus finally stopped the teachers from questioning him. It seems ridiculous to try and test Him over and over, when He proves Himself each time.
