Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 45

In Exodus 19 the Israelites travel to Mount Sinai.  While there Moses continues to talk to God and is given some more instructions.  The Israelites are not to touch the mountain or God will punish them.  During this time the Lord will come upon the mountain so that all my hear his voice.  After the whole group hears the voice of God, He calls Moses to come up to the top of the mountain but nobody else is to touch the mountain.  The Lord tells Moses once again that nobody is to touch the mountain and he is to go down and make sure they know this and then come back with Aaron.

Exodus 20 gives us the ten commandments.  Which are:
1.  you shall have no other gods before me
2.  you shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
3.  you shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God
4.  remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
5.  Honor your father and your mother
6.  you shall not murder
7.  you shall not commit adultery
8.  you shall not steal
9.  you shall not give false testimony against your neighbor
10.  you shall not covet your neighbor's house, wife, servants, animals, or anything that belongs to him
We also learn that when they are to build an alter it is to be of stone.  And it must be stone that has been untouched by any tools.  The alter should be natural with no gold or silver.

The last portion of Matthew 27 begins with the soldiers mocking Jesus.  He is put in a scarlet robe and given a staff and a crown of thorns.  He is then put back in his own clothes and sent to Golgotha.  When He is placed on the cross He is insulted over and over.  The soldiers, the crowd, the priest, and even the two robbers that are being crucified beside him insult him.  During a portion of this time it becomes dark and Jesus calls out to his father.  Then shortly after he cries out one more time and with that he gives up his spirit.  Now, I do not want to go into to great depth on this portion as I feel we should all find an understanding of it in our own heart and mind.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Exodus 21, 22 and Matthew 27:51 - 66

1 comment:

  1. 19. Sometimes I feel like God is trying to make it clear that certain things are very important. (ex. no one else touching the mountain) I wish I knew why these things were so important.
    20. I personally need to work on #3. I have a bad habit regarding this.
    27. I can't quite believe that the other two robbers, had the energy, gall,.... to insult Jesus while they themselves were being crucified.
