Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 58

Well, after reading Leviticus 8 I am not sure I would want to be a priest.  The whole process of things they must do just seems a little gross to me.

Leviticus 9 shows the priest beginning their life as priest.  

Leviticus 10 tells of disappointment from the beginning.  Right from the get go we see Aaron's sons put to death by the Lord.  The Lord quickly shows his authority and that he will not allow wrong to be done. 

The rest of Mark 6 tells the story of the feeding of the 5,000 again.  There are a few variances from this telling to the first one that we read.  We also read about Jesus walking on the water again.  This instance was slightly different from the first version we read as well.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Leviticus 11, 12 and Mark 7:1 - 13

1 comment:

  1. 8. I'm curious about the significance of putting blood on the right ear, the right thumb and the right big toe.
    9. I bet it was nerve racking for Aaron and his sons to perform the sacrifices to such exacting standards.
    10. The very ending of this chapter confused me. I don't get why Mosses is content.
    6. "they were like sheep without a shepherd" I love this phrase. I feel like this is a great analogy for people who haven't found God in their lives.
