Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 105

Judges chapter 4 is a chapter where women finally see some glory.  The current leader of the Israelites is a lady by the name of Deborah.  Israel is having another period of time where they are doing what is wrong in the eyes of the Lord.  They travel to speak to Deborah because she has found favor in the eyes of the Lord.  While they speak she tells them since they have come that Israel this time will not be gained again by a man but by the hand of a woman.  We continue then into a pretty gruesome battle and end the battle with a shock.  Of all the stories in the Bible I have not heard of this one before.  I could never have imagined someone being killed by a tent stake in the Bible.

Judges 5 is one long song.  It praises Deborah for the victory given to the Israelites.

In Judges chapter 6 it appears that the Israelites are at it again.  They have reverted back to worshiping Baal and God once again builds up a person to bring out Israelites.  To make sure it was the correct time to take back Israel, Gideon ask for certain test to be completed to make sure it is time.

Luke 13 begins by giving us a warning on why we should repent.  The next little portion is about a woman who Jesus heals on the sabbath and how the ruler of the synagogue did not like this because He was working on the sabbath.  The last parable I really do not understand.  It seems like there is a lot of them that I do not understand.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Judges 7, 8 and Luke 13:23-35

1 comment:

  1. 4. I know, gruesome right? I was truly shocked when I read the end of this chapter. Yay for powerful women!
    5. I wish there was somewhere you could go and hear it sang in the original language. It would make so much more sense as a song that way.
    6. What I'm learning is that I can not even comprehend how patient God is. The stuff that he has put up with from the Isrealites. I wonder if God was ever thinking to Himself, "Man I wish I hadn't have made that covenant with Noah." Probably not, but I know it's what I'd be thinking.
    13. I totally hear Jesus point about healing on the sabbath, is he just suppose to let people suffer until the next day? That would be sense less. I'm not sure on the last parable either. I could make some guesses, but none of them seem to really make sense.
