Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 118

1 Samuel 15 is about a battle that Saul is in charge of.  He is given specific instructions from God on how to go into battle and win it.  It sounds like this would be something simple for Saul to follow but somehow Saul messed it up.  Saul messes up the whole battle even though they win the battle.  Samuel then comes to Saul and tells him that he is no longer in the favor of the Lord.  Saul cries out and tries to find out how he can get back in the grace of God.

In chapter 16 we learn who is to replace Saul.  Samuel travels to see the son's of Jesse.  Jesse has eight sons and God has chosen the youngest of them to be the ruler.  Samuel anoints him there in front of his family.  We then learn that Saul is having some issues and they call for David to help him by playing his harp.  I think this is very interesting how God has put David in the presence of the king.

Luke 20 starts our with a quick story about Jesus being confronted by some other priest, teachers of the law, and elders.  They question Him on who gave Him the authority to do the acts that He has been performing.  Jesus ask them a question to sort of teach them that He will not tell who gave Him the authority.  The next parable is about workers being put in charge of the fields while the master is away.  When the master sends for his portion the workers have other thoughts in mind.  I wonder how they thought their plan would actually work?  The next little portion is the section that I am not to fond of.  You can probably guess why too.  In this little portion we are told that we are to pay our taxes.  I know what a bummer. 

Tomorrow's reading is:
1Samuel 17, 18 and Luke 20:27-47

1 comment:

  1. 15. So difficult for these people to follow directions. It makes you wonder, doesn't it. I mean God told you exactly what he wanted you to do, why would you think your idea was better?
    16. Very interesting! It's so funny that Saul really likes David and doesn't realize it's his replacement. The whole chapter reads like a Shakespeare play.
    20. I think it is so strange that they ask Jesus by what authority he does these things. Isn't that sort of like asking Batman who gave him permission to save people? You see people in trouble, you try and help them, seems simple enough. Now, I realize that He was performing miracles here, but that just makes my point stronger. Why question miracles? Don't look a gift horse in the mouth chief priest!
    Keep up the good work Mike!
