Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 71

Numbers 5 starts out and reminds me a lot of Leviticus.  Once again more with diseases and making atonement.  The remaining portion of this chapter deals with an unfaithful wife.  This portion really throws me.  He curses the women for cheating on her husband but not once is there any form of punishment for the male.  Nor does it talk about if a male cheats on his wife.  I mean does that not happen in this time period, only females cheat?

Numbers 6 is all about the rules regarding the Nazirites.  Some very interesting practices to being a Nazirite.  I am not sure that I fully understand what being a Nazirite means.  I see how to become one and how it can be taken away but I never really read what they received.   Did they have a special purpose, sort of like a monk or was it just a title?  I kind of like the prayer at the ending of this chapter.  "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine up you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." (Numbers 6:24-26)  For some reason I just see that as such a blessing.

Mark 13 gives a very gloomy forecast.  Jesus tells us about the end of ages.  It portrays a very tough time for those that believe in Christ.  Many will come against us and make us suffer.  We are told that we are to remain strong in the Lord and His words will be spoken through us.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Numbers 7, 8 and Mark 13:21 - 37

1 comment:

  1. 5. Men are not expected to be faithful in this time period. It's assumed that the man will have concubines, apparently that's okay. I think it's ridiculous that the woman is punished b/c her husband feel the "spirit of jealousy" upon him. She doesn't even have to cheat she's basically punished either way.
    6. I agree on both counts. I thought the prayer was very nice and think it would be a blessing to be told that.
    13. Makes me wonder what I would do when the chips are down. I like to think that I have a strong faith and that I would not forsake it, but I've never faced persecution like Jesus describes.
