Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 76

Numbers 17 has me all confused.  Is God kicking out the Levites or is He kicking everyone out except the Levites?

Numbers 18 once again talks of the many duties that the Levites are to do at the tent of meeting.  I still wonder why the Levites are responsible for all of this instead of the duties being shared.  It does talk in this chapter of how the Levites will basically be paid.

Numbers 19 talks more about cleansing a unclean person or an unclean tent.

Mark 15 tells us the story of Jesus appearing before Pilate.  Pilate could not find anything wrong with this man and asked who he should release.  The crowd ask for Barrabas who was not a very nice man at all.  Then the crowd began to chant crucify Him.  That must have been one crazy crowd that day.  I think I would have been sick to have participated in that crowd.  And what it must have been like to be that man they pulled off the street to carry Jesus' cross.  I can not begin to imagine what type of burden and blessing this must have been all at the same time.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Numbers 20, 21, 22 and Mark 15:26 - 47

1 comment:

  1. 17. I think this was God's way of showing the Isrealites that Aaron leader of the Levites was in charge.
    18. I'm assuming this is an honor for the Levites, but it seems like a lot of work. I'm curious if they did anything else, because all there duties seem like a full time job.
    19. I had no idea it was such a big deal to be unclean. It seems like such a aggravating process. There would be no way to keep your self "clean" for more then a day. Doesn't it seem that people would have had great hygiene having to clean themselves all the time.
    15. Pilate tries to reason with the crowd.
