Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 79

Well, Numbers 26 was another census basically.  What did I really gather from this chapter, not much.  The one thing I think that stands out with me the most is that there are a whole lot of names that I can not pronounce.

Numbers 27 finally shows some positive light on woman.  Zelophehad's daughters confront Moses about not receiving any land since their father had no sons.  I think this was a very positive thing that happened for them as the Lord came back and gave them land.  To finish off chapter 27 we find out that Moses is soon going to die.  The Lord gives him instructions to transfer his leadership over to Joshua.  Joshua was one of the twelve spies that went into the land and reported what they saw.  Joshua and Caleb were the only two that did lie as to what they saw.

Luke 1 starts out rather interesting to me.  It mentions a person by the name of Theophilus.  From what I can find out nobody really knows who Theophilus really was.  There has been many speculations but nothing definitive.  As for the next portion of our reading we meet John the Baptist father.  Zechariah was an older man and a priest.  His lot was called to enter into the temple of the Lord and burn incense.  From what I have been told recently in a church service.  This was some honor and not one that all the priest got to partake in.  If your lot was called you entered into the temple if not you did not.  The only way you got to go in was if your lot was drawn and you were only allowed to do it once in your lifetime, that is if you got the chance.  But for the important part of this section.  While Zechariah was in the temple the angel Gabriel spook to him and told him that he was to have a son.  Zechariah was not only scared by the sight of the angel but shocked from the news he gave him.  Zechariah could not believe the words he was told and as a punishment Gabriel turned him into a mute.  Zechariah was told because he did not have faith that he would not be able to speak until his son was born.  This son was supposed to be named John and that he would be great in the sight of the Lord.  Now, could you imagine what kind of blessing and a curse this could be all at the same instance.  To go into the temple and meet an angel and not have faith in what he said could have ended very badly.  At this time it was a common practice to tie a rope to the priest that went into the temple so that they could be pulled back out if they were struck down.  And then to have the ultimate blessing, to find out that you are going to be a parent.  I really do not know what could be better for anyone in life then to find out that they are going to be a parent, especially one that is to be great in the sight of the Lord.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Numbers 28, 29, 30 and Luke 1:21 - 38

1 comment:

  1. 26. I learned in this chapter that Miriam is Aaron and Mosses' sister.
    27. It was very nice to see women get a little credit in this chapter. If I was Joshua I don't know that I would want to take Mosses' place, it doesn't look like a fun job.
    1. I think it would be terrible to not be able to tell anyone about what just happened in the temple. Especially his wife who is about to become pregnant.
