Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 73

Numbers 9 begins with some questions the Israelites had about the passover.  It appears that some of them wanted to celebrate in worship to the Lord but were unclean.  The Lord gives them permission to become clean and celebrate the following month.  It also tells us what told them to pack up and move or to stay in camp.

Numbers 10 tells us about two silver trumpets that are to be used as a sort of communication.  While reading this I kept thinking of the bugle used in the cavalry many years ago.  They both were used for the same form of purpose, to relay commands to a large crowd of people.

Numbers 11 starts out with the Israelites complaining again.  I am not sure how this is to be taken but it sounds like the Lord sent down fire and consumed some of the people.  I may not be interpreting that correctly though.  Well, this entire chapter is once again about the Israelites complaining.  Can they not find something better to do with their time.  I mean come on Israelites, you have the Lord providing for you around every corner and yet you still complain to Him.  I think this shows us that we should accept what God gives us because He does take care of us and is easily angered when we refuse what he does for us.

Mark 14 tells of the woman who anoints Jesus.  It then begins to tell us the story of the Lord's Supper.  We have read this story before and I am not really seeing any differences in the story other then at the very beginning.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Numbers 12, 13, 14 and Mark 14:27 - 53

1 comment:

  1. 9. Wouldn't it be amazing to have Mosses and God have a conversation specifically about you?!
    10. I'm confused about who says that they are going to go live elsewhere at the end of the chapter. Is it Mosses or his father-in-law speaking? My bible says he.
    11. Totally agree about the complaining. I think we also see in this chapter that the burden is getting to be to great for Mosses to handle. Who could blame the guy, he has to put up with complaints day and night from the Isrealites and try and calm God's anger when He gets tired of hearing it.
    14. Judas' acts still just confound me. To sit at the Lord's supper and hear Jesus predict what you are about to do.... You would think this would have been enough to change his mind. I know it was destined to happen that way it just still gets me.
