Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 75

Well, Numbers 15 deals with more offerings.  It is really starting to seem like there is an offering for everything, even offerings for offerings.  It is getting really confusing in my mind.

Really Israelites,  Numbers 16 tells of the Israelites once again doubting Moses and God.  I am totally shocked that God has not put them all to death by now.  We get a little closer in this chapter as there are several that do not make it through it.  I just can not see how they can see miracle after miracle and still not believe.

The end of Mark 14 tells the story over again of Jesus being questioned and the Peter disowning Jesus.  I do not see much difference in this telling compared to the one we have already read.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Numbers 17, 18, 19 and Mark 15:1 - 25

1 comment:

  1. 15. Makes you kind of wonder how they had time to do anything besides offerings.
    16. I know the Isrealites seem like a bunch of whiners. I'm a little confused why Mosses keeps saving them. I'm afraid if I were him I'd be like alright God go ahead and kill them all I'm tired of listening to them.
    14. I feel so bad for Peter is this story.
