Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 90

Deuteronomy 20 is about the Israelites going into war.  I kind of like the fact that the priest comes out before the army and addresses them before they go into battle.

Deuteronomy 21 has several various items taken care of.  Moses is still telling them about the laws they are to follow.

Deuteronomy 22 contains some laws about helping out your fellow man and then goes into laws regarding violations of a marriage.  There is a whole lot of stoning happening as punishment for crimes.  It appears that there is to be no evil in the promised land.

Luke 6 begins with the pharisees trying to catch Jesus in an act that could prove that He is not doing things that are holy.  We then go on to see the appointing of the twelve apostles.  The next portion kind of reminds me of the beatitudes just written a little different.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Deuteronomy 23, 24, 25 and Luke 6:27 - 49

1 comment:

  1. 20. I love what the priest says before a battle. I kind of think they should still say that before battle. I thought the part at the end about not destroying the trees was interesting too.
    21. I found this whole chapter rather disturbing. Especially the part about stoning the rebellious son.
    22. Again it sucks to be a woman in these times. Forced to stay married to a man who claimed you weren't a virgin (and that's if you are found innocent), forced to marry a man that raped you. Good times.
    6. It says the pharisees were filled with fury when he healed the man's hand on the sabbath. I think this is ridiculous. How can you be furious about a miracle? Forest... Trees....wake up pharisees.
