Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 86

Deuteronomy 8 is Moses giving the Israelites more instructions before they go into the promised land.  This time he is reminding them to not forget the Lord.  One verse that really stands out in this section for me is.  You may say to yourself, "My power and strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me."  But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth. (Deut. 8:17, 18)

Deuteronomy 9 just goes on about how rebellious the Israelites were.

Deuteronomy 10 continues on just like the first 9 chapters have.  I will admit I am already bored with Deuteronomy.

The first portion of Luke 4 shows us the forty day and nights that Jesus was in the desert and being tempted by Satan.  Jesus' ability to fight off Satan with scripture is just such an amazing feature.  I wish I was stronger in my scripture to be able to pull verses out of my head at the appropriate time.  The last portion of our reading is Jesus being rejected in his home town.  I think this is a slap in the face for Jesus but He knows that it is going to happen by the quotes that He gives them.  I can see how this must have been hard for the people of this town to believe in.  I mean they knew him as Joseph's son, the son of a carpenter not as the Son of God.

I know I am still behind in post, it is still a little crazy here in the holiday season.  Hopefully as this next week begins I will be able to get a few more post online.  I would like to thank everyone for being patient and continuing to read.  I hope everyone is learning scripture and becoming closer to God in this process.

Tomorrow's reading is:
Deuteronomy 11, 12, 13 and Luke 4:31 - 44


  1. 8. Interesting point about the clothes not wearing out. What is manna? I liked the section where Mosses talks about all the wonderful things the Lord has provided for them.
    9. I thought this was a really good point about the Isrealites remembering they aren't being lead to the promise land b/c they are righteous. And I appreciate that Mosses tells them they are stubborn people. Keep it real Mosses, keep it real.
    10. I didn't really get the Ark of the Covenant the first time and this chapter added nothing to my understanding.
    4. I love the mental picture I get of Jesus's little speech in the synagogue. I imagine the people staring at him open mouthed when he declared himself the anointed one.

  2. Manna was a substance that tasted like a wafer made of honey. That is about as much as I could tell you about manna.
